
The sun is shining and slowly the spring perfumes are colouring the air and filling the soul with beautiful flowers. The Rain has not the wintry perfume anymore, but somehow it tastes like summer.
Here a recipe to fill your day with even more sun:

Coconut-strawberry ice-lolly

400 mg Coconut milk
250 g mixed berries 
40 g coconut oil
50 g Stevia
¼ teaspoon of Vanilla
½ lemon peel
20 g pistachios

Take the coconut milk, coconut oil, stevia, lemon peel and the Vanilla and mix them together, Take the mixed berries and slice them in very tiny slices. Then in order to create the marmoreal effect, mix 5-6 blueberries with some coconut cream. Then add the half of the soft fruits with the residual coconut cream very gently in order not to break the fruits. Take the residual fruits and put them in the form for ice lolly with some pistachios grain, and insert some wooden sticks, Then put the cream over and let rest in the freezer for circa 4-6 hours and then serve them with some strawberries and taste it under the spring warm sun!!

Have fun J
