Now we are entering the next level...

Celebrities present us their games and apps...

Wir erreichen das nächste Level...

Stars präsentieren uns ihre Spiele und Apps...

Britney Spears teases release of her new mobile game ´´American Dream´´

Britney Spears präsentiert ihr neues Mobil-Spiel  `` American Dream``

The wait is almost over: Britney Spears teased the release of her new mobile game on Insta...:

and Kim Kardashian tells us that her game is ready to start over very soon.

und Kim Kardashian sagt das ihr Spiel sehr bald auf dem Markt erscheinen wird.

after she launched her personal App:

Been there, emoji's that: Her one time pal, then rival, now soon-to-be relative, Kim Kardashian was the first to put out her own emojis

Kim Kardashian released her own emoji app dubbed 'Kimoji' full of racy images including condoms, drugs, strippers and alcohol.:
and for shure others will follow, so you will have a wide range to choose...

und sicher folgen da noch so einige, so das es eine große Auswahl geben wird...

                               BONNE CHANCE

